Rimrock Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial cooperative. The Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers elected at the annual meeting. They work together to ensure the financial safety and soundness of the credit union while listening to membership request for various products and services. Profits are returned to our members in the form of higher dividend rates paid on share accounts and lower rates charged on loans. By becoming a member you also become a part owner. Membership begins when you open a Share Savings Account with a minimum deposit of $25.
The field of membership includes:
- Employees of the City of Billings
- Yellowstone County
- Yellowstone City-County Health Department
Montana-Dakota Utilities Employees - SuperValu
- Members and employees of union affiliated with the Yellowstone Valley Central Labor Council
- All public employees in all adjoining counties of Yellowstone County
- Persons retired as former employees of the above employers
- Licensees of the city of Billings or Yellowstone County (i.e. business license holders or those
with vehicles registered in Yellowstone County) - Family members of the above, including: spouses, children, step-children, siblings, and
Come in today for help opening your new accounts!