RCU Offers A Low Rate Visa® Platinum Credit Card.
With Rimrock CU’s Visa Platinum credit card, you’ll be ready for unexpected expenses. Enjoy the convenience of a credit card while avoiding annual fees.
- $1,000 minimum credit line
- No annual fee
- 25-day grace period on purchases
- Cash advances at any financial
- institution or ATM displaying the VISA logo.
- Easy balance transfers.
- Convenient payment options: online with EZcard, in person, phone or mail.
- Account Alerts via text message or email.
- FALCON Credit Card Protection
Special offers from Visa

Apply In Person or Contact Us to request pre-approval paperwork
To report a lost or stolen RCU Visa® Platinum Credit Card call 1-800-237-6211.
EZ Card
Visit eZCardInfo.com to get online access to your RCU credit card accounts. View your balance and transactions, activate and view online statements, make online payments, set up alerts and more! Please note that payments made after 1:00 p.m. MST will not be posted until the following business day.
Account Alerts
Stay up to date on your credit card account and activities with alerts. RCU Visa Platinum cardholders have many options available, like an email before your payment is due or a text message if a new transaction exceeded a certain amount.
FALCON Credit Card Protection
Your RCU credit card offers extra protection against fraud. a credit card representative may call you to verify a purchase if it is outside your normal spending. RCU must have correct contact numbers on file to provide this protection. If the information on your statement is incorrect, please update it by calling (406) 248-3685 or toll free (888) 578-8380.