Online banking
Online & Mobile Banking
Mobile Banking with Remote Deposit Capture (RDC)
Rimrock Credit Union Mobile Banking app is available for download now.
Online Banking Log-in
Online Banking from Rimrock Credit Union is an account management tool that fits your schedule. It’s FREE and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once you have registered for Online Banking, you can:
- Review account information
- Transfer Money
- Pay Bills online with BillPay
- Verify transactions
- Make loan payments
- and much more…
Here are a few things to know about our Mobile Banking app:
- Email address is required.
- Sign up for Online Banking on your PC prior to logging into the mobile app.
- Please amend the third bullet to read: Remote Deposit Capture checks MUST be endorsed with your signature and the phrase, “For Remote Deposit Only” on the back of the check. If your check does not have this statement it will be rejected.
- Maximum amount on daily deposits – $2,000.
- Maximum of 5 checks per day allowed.
Statements are only available in Online Banking
Click below to download RCU Mobile Banking App: